This was supposed to be on the previous post-gotta keep the Caleb to Braxton ratio even.
These are from Grandma and Grandpa's visit last week. We had a fantastic time!
Braxton and Grandma on the train in Kemah
Caleb and Mommy
Braxton riding the rooster...and not happy about it
Grandpa's attempt at a group photo
Two boys, one swing
The boys had a great weekend! On Saturday they went to their first Little League baseball game and on Sunday they attended a backyard birthday party. Fortunately, the weather was beautiful and they were on their best behavior which wasn't a surprise since they enjoy being outdoors. Sometimes when I see them from afar or around a lot of strangers, it reminds me just how adorable these little guys are. I mean, LOOK at them!
The random pictures: the first one is one I took of Stevie that will be on the Contributors page of Envy magazine! It's on the shelves (or in the kiosk?), but we haven't seen it yet. So handsome! I tried to get him to smile but he wasn't having it. The second is just because I have to show some proof that I actually do live here with these guys. Don't ask why I look like I'm up to something. I promise I wasn't-just got crazy eyes I guess.
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