So we went about our normal post-nursing routine - bath, roll around on the bed, book, prayers, cuddle, bed - only we prolonged the cuddles, left out the nursing part and replaced it with a sippie cup of warmed whole milk. They were stunned to say the least. They sipped, swallowed, stared in suspense, then a huge smile spread across their faces. As we lied in the bed, they both took turns cuddling close to me and never once tried to nurse which served as a much needed confirmation that I was doing the right thing (when I really thought about it I realized that it's been quite a while since they actually initiated nursing - it's been more of a mommy led routine than anything). We layed them down as usual, they did their 3 minutes of babbling and whining, and drifted right to sleep. I couldn't have asked for a smoother experience. No sadness, no tears, nothing like I expected. I plan to continue the morning feeding and one day-time feeding for as long as it's pleasant for all of us.
*By the way, thank you so much to all you twinstuff ladies that offered your undying support, encouragement and advice over this past year (especially in those early months of clogged ducts and round-the-clock pumping;)). We wouldn't have made it without you!
Mr. August
Opposite directions....ALL DAY!
Just too cute for words
Thanks for everything, Grandma. We hope you have a wonderful birthday and buy us lots of toys. We wish we could be in San Antonio with you, but you know how mommy is, with all the "Blah, blah, blah," and "Wah, wah, wah." Any way, we really love you a lot and can't wait to come down there again and pee and poop on your front room floor in the morning when we crawl around with no diaper because you and Grandpa are at work. Oh, by the way, we peed and pooped on your floor. Later, tater. Kiss your face for us. We love you.
Caleb and Braxton
p.s. Mommy gave me a bottle today. It was good. As you can see by the picture, I've got quite a bit of Gutierrez in me. I'm throwing 'em back like a tiny Uncle Manuel.
As some of you know, we've been toying with the idea of cutting the boys' hair (especially Caleb). Whenever we mention it, we get the whole "aaaww...but their curls are so adoooorable". Well check this out and maybe you'll change your minds.
His new favorite thing to do is grab a handful of the hair right above his ears and stretch it out as far as it will go resulting in the Bozo the Clown 'do you see above. Sound familiar, Auntie Challis?:)
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